Cihan University-Erbil Conferences, 4th International Conference on Biological & Health Sciences (CIC-BIOHS’2022)

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Evaluation of renal toxicity in male albino rats Rattus rattus after silver nanoparticles exposure
Manar Mohammad Hasan AL-Murshidi

Last modified: 2022-08-30


Silver nanoparticles could be accumulated within numerous organs of the body after oral exposure, especially livers and kidneys. The current project aims to evaluate renal toxic effects caused by silver nanoparticles. Fifteen 10 to 12-week old healthy adult male rats weighted [200-230] gm were used in the recent study; Rats were treated with solutions containing 30 mg/kg and 125mg/kg body weight of silver nanoparticles for 28 days. Body weights were measured. Blood was withdrawn for evaluation of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and kidneys and histologically processed for exhibiting the histological changes. Results showed that body weights were not changed significantly, blood urea nitrogen and the creatinine in types of the Blood of treated rat groups compared with the control group. The histological inspection revealed degenerative changes at the glomerular level. It exhibited a loss or disintegration in the tubular architecture, with a partial damage of many kidney corpuscles, with losing the capillary tufts of the glomeruli in the treated groups. At the same time, histological observation of controls was observed save their intact architecture. The current project concluded silver nanoparticles are critical toxic affection on kidneys.

Keywords—Histology, kidneys, rat, silver nanoparticles



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