Cihan University-Erbil Conferences

This is the gateway of the national and international conferences that are held by the Cihan University-Erbil, and published online under the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommericla-NoDervatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The Conference papers of the Cihan University-Erbil are peer reviewed with double-blind review process. All the Cihan University-Erbil confernce papers are indexed by the Crossref with assigned DOI and having archiving license.



القانون والعلاقات الدولية

جامعة جيهان-أربيل بالمشاركة مع جامعة جدارا الاردنية يعقد المؤتمر الدولي المشترك الرابع في الاطر القانونية والسياسية للحكومة الرشيدة في ٢٩-٣٠ تشرين الثاني ٢٠٢٣ وسيكون محفلا اكاديميا للباحثين في اختصاصي القانون والعلاقات الدولية ليقدم رؤى ومعالجات علمية في كيفية النهوض بالحكومة وتمكينها من أداء واجباتها بكفاءة ونزاهة وشفافية بما يحقق الرقى والتطور في كل المجالات من خلال بحوث علمية تخضع للتقييم والمناقشة وتوفير فرصة لنشرها للاستفادة منها عمليا.

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Communication Engineering and Computer Science

International Conference of Cihan University-Erbil on Communication Engineering and Computer Science (CIC-COCOS), The (CIC-COCOS) is an international referred conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices in communication engineering and computer science. The (CIC-COCOS) promotes collaborative excellence between academicians and professionals from communication engineering and computer science. Over the past (CIC-COCOS) has developed strong network of leading searchers and pioneers in communication and computer science.

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Administrative and Financial Sciences

International Scientific Conference on Administrative and Financial Sciences brings together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Entrepreneurship, Management, Energy Management and Local Development. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Professional Development, Energy Management and Local Development. This conference will be held at the campus of Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

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Architectural and Civil Engineering Sciences

This conference intends to be the global forum for researchers, educators, academicians and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in Engineering Technology, Civil Engineering and Architecture. The Conference will provide a great opportunity for national and international specialists in the different fields of Civil and Architectural engineering to share experiences, innovations, achievements and knowledge. It will bring together academics, researchers, and practicing professionals with the aim of bridging the gap between theory and practice in all engineering aspects. We look forward to welcoming you to Erbil - Iraq at (CIC-ICACE).

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Language and Education

This conference intends to be the global forum for researchers to address the current issues and challenges in the fields of Language, Education. The upcoming scientific event extends the academic network link among the local and international universities and research centers from different educational contexts, helping to foster research, advance expertise, and update knowledge. We invite educators, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to collaborate and share pedagogical theories, excellent teaching ideas, and relevant practices developed in diverse Language and Education contexts. Our aim for this conference is to bring together the CIC-LANGEDU community to work collaboratively to forge a response to the challenges we face, drawing on research and praxis.

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Biological & Health Sciences

The aim of the conference is to facilitate and provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and to share views and experiences in the fields of Biology between academics, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral candidates, researchers, and industry experts. Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address hot topics and issues in the field of Biology.


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