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a/l Thiruchelvam, Muthukumaran, Management and Science University | msu · Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering


Abdullah, Abdulqadir Ismail
AHMAD, Husham JAWAD, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdustan Region,Iraq
Ahmed, Abdulsattar M, <p class="Affiliation">Technical Computer Engineering Department</p> Alhadbaa University College
Ahmed, Falah Younes, Management and Science University | msu · Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering
Al Mallak, Khalid Abdulraheem, IEEE student memeber
Al Saadi, Mohammed Abdul Malek, Communication and Computer Engineering Department College of Engineering, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region,Erbil, Iraq
AL-Yoonus, Murthad Hussein, <p>Technical Computer Engineering Dept.</p><p>AL-Kunooze University College</p><p>Basrah, Iraq</p>
Alhabib, Mustafa Haitham, Cihan University - Erbil, KRG, IRAQ.
Ali, Wisam H., <h1>Department of Electrical Engineering</h1> <h1>University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq</h1>


ali, wisam hasan, Lectrurar at the department of electrical engineering-university of technology


Aljanabi, Safaa M.
Aljewad, Bessam, PhD Electronic and Communications
Almashhadani, Yazen Saifuldeen, <span class="_5yl5"><span>assistant lecturer</span></span>


baban, alaa badie, Bayan Unversity


F, Alaa Kadhim, <span>Dept. of Computer Science University of Technology</span><br />
F, Alaa Kadhim, <span>Computer Sciences Department</span><br /> (Iraq)
Fadhil, Abbas Firas, Web designer, developer, and Usability Testing researcher
Falih, Laith, Asst. Prof. in Computer Science Department of Cihan University
Francis, Antoun Elias, Damascus University/ Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


Hajar, Salim A., <p class="Affiliation">Technical Computer Engineering Department</p> Alhadbaa University College


hameed, safa abdulwahhab, Computer Science department, College of engineering and science, University of Bayan, Erbil, Iraq.


Hamid, Omar Talal, Computer Science Department, Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq,


hanna, emanuel saleem, Dr. Lecturer


Hasan, Hasan Fahmi, Cihan University-Erbil,Kurdistan Region

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